Terms and conditions of purchase
Terms and conditions of the FRONTSON.com online shop
§ 1 Introductory provisions
- Online shop Frontson, available at (https://frontson.com/) is run by Justyna Twardowska running the business activity under the name Studio Frontson Justyna Twardowska registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity (CEIDG), with registered office in Krakow, ul. Michała Siedleckiego, no. 12, premises 10, 31-536 Krakow, NIP: 8132955415.
- These Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions for the use of the Website, the rules for the provision of services to Customers, in particular to enable them to place orders via the Website and to conclude Agreements in this regard, and the related rights of the Consumer.
- The regulations are available at: https://frontson.com/regulamin/.
- In order to place an Order, the Customer should read the Terms and Conditions and accept the provisions contained therein. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions is a condition for conclusion and performance of the Contract by the Seller. Before placing an Order, the Customer is also obliged to submit a statement confirming that he/she has familiarised himself/herself with the Privacy Policy defining the principles of personal data processing.
- These Rules and Regulations are the Rules and Regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended).
§ 2. Definitions
- Shop -the online shop operated by the Seller at the Internet address (https://frontson.com/).
- Sprzedawca – Justyna Twardowska conducting business activity under the name Studio Frontson Justyna Twardowska, ul. Michała Siedleckiego, nr 12, lok. 10, 31-536 Kraków, NIP: 8132955415.
- Klient – any entity concluding a contract through the Shop.
- Konsument – a natural person who performs a legal transaction with the Seller which is not directly related to his/her economic or professional activity, as well as a natural person who concludes a contract directly related to his/her economic activity, when the content of that contract indicates that it is not of a professional nature for that person, in particular resulting from the subject of his/her economic activity made available on the basis of the provisions of CEIDG
- PrzedsiÄ™biorca – a natural person, a legal person and an organisational unit that is not a legal person but to which a separate act confers legal capacity, carrying out a business on its own behalf, who uses the Shop and is not a Consumer.
- Formularz zamówienia – an interactive form available in the Shop to obtain a free quote, including delivery and payment methods.
- Zamówienie – a declaration of intent by the customer to conclude a Contract, specifying at least the type and number of Goods.
- Towar – a movable item or items that can be purchased in a shop, most commonly representing furniture fronts for kitchen fittings.
- Koszyk – an element of the Store’s software in which the products selected by the Customer, their Price, are visible, and it is also possible to determine and modify the Order data, in particular the quantity of the products.
- Umowa zawarta na odlegÅ‚ość – a contract concluded with a Customer through an organised distance contracting system (within the Shop), without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the contract.
- Umowa – a contract concluded or entered into between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Shop.
- Polityka prywatności – regulations containing the information required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
- PÅ‚atność elektroniczna – the Customer’s payment for the Products via the payment operator, which is PayPro S.A. with its registered office in PoznaÅ„, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 PoznaÅ„ NIP: 779-236-98-87.
- Kodeks Cywilny –Act of 23 April 1964 (Journal of Laws No 16, item 93 as amended);
- Ustawa o prawach konsumenta – Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827, as amended).
§ 3. Contact with the Shop
- The Customer may communicate with the Seller using the addresses and telephone numbers specified in this paragraph: a). Seller’s address for delivery: ul. MichaÅ‚a Siedleckiego, nr 12, lok. 10, 31-536 Kraków; b). Seller’s e-mail address: studio@frontson.com; c). Seller’s telephone number: 0048 795 575 080.
- All payments referred to in these Terms and Conditions shall be made by the Customer to the Seller’s bank account at mBank No.: 75 1140 2004 0000 3502 8289 0150 or via the PayNow fast payment system.
§ 4 Technical requirements
- In order to use the Shop, including browsing the Shop’s assortment and placing orders for Goods, the following are necessary: a). a final device with access to the Internet and a web browser; b). an active electronic mail (e-mail) account; c). cookies enabled.
§ 5 General information
- Browsing through the Shop’s assortment does not require creating an Account. Placing orders by the Customer for Goods is possible in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions.
- Where prices are indicated in the Shop, they are given in Polish zloty and are gross prices (including value added tax).
- All information contained on the Store’s Website, which is only commercial information, does not constitute an offer by the Seller within the meaning of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to customers to submit enquiries or offers to conclude a sales contract, depending on the method of order placement chosen by the customer.
- The final amount to be paid by the Customer consists of the price for the product and the cost of delivery (including transport, delivery and postal charges), which the Customer is informed of on the pages of the Shop when placing an Order, including when expressing his or her wish to be bound by the Contract.
- The Seller reserves the right to change prices of Goods presented in the Store, to post information about new Products, to carry out and cancel promotional actions in the Store, or to introduce changes in them.
- In the event of the Seller’s inability to perform due to the Seller’s inability to manufacture the products within the indicated timeframe covered by the Order, the Seller shall immediately, but within 14 days of the conclusion of the Contract at the latest, notify the Customer of this fact and return to the Customer the entire sum of money received from the Customer, and the Contract shall be deemed not concluded, unless the Customer makes a different decision concerning his Order.
- To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Seller shall not be liable for any disruptions, including interruptions in the operation of the Shop caused by technical problems, force majeure, unauthorised acts of third parties or the incompatibility of the Shop with the technical infrastructure of the Customer.
- The content of the concluded Agreement is recorded, secured and made available to the Customer by making these Terms and Conditions available on the Store’s website and by sending the Customer an e-mail concerning acceptance of the order for processing. The content of the Agreement is additionally recorded and secured in the Store’s IT system.
§ 6 Delivery and payment methods offered
- The Customer may use the delivery method available for selection for the Goods in question during the ordering process: a) postal delivery, b) delivery by courier or freight forwarding company.
- If the customer chooses postal delivery as the delivery method, these costs correspond to the costs of common services of this type and the customer is informed of their amount during the order process.
- The Customer may use the following payment methods: a) payment by bank transfer to the Seller’s account, b) payment by bank transfer via the PayNow platform.
- Delivery takes place on the following basis: The ordered goods will be delivered to you via a courier or freight forwarding company. We reserve the right to choose the most efficient form of transport in a particular case. The goods will be sent to you at the address indicated in the electronic order form, within the timeframe indicated on the Frontson shop website.
- Detailed information on delivery methods and accepted payment methods can be found in Appendix 1 to these Terms and Conditions.
§ 7 Rules for the conclusion and performance of Contracts in the Shop
- In order to place an Order, you must a). select the product that is the subject of the Order and then click on the ‘Add to basket’ button; b). click on the ‘Order and pay’ button and confirm the order by clicking on the link sent in the e-mail; c). select one of the available payment methods and, depending on the payment method, pay for the Order within the specified time limit.
- After the Order has been placed, the Seller confirms its receipt and at the same time accepts the Order for fulfilment. Confirmation of receipt of the Order and its acceptance for execution is made by the Seller sending the Customer a relevant e-mail message to the Customer’s e-mail address, which contains at least the Seller’s statements about receipt of the Order and its acceptance for execution and confirmation of the conclusion of the Contract. As soon as the Customer receives the above email, the Contract between the Customer and the Seller is concluded.
- In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Customer is obliged to make the payment within 7 calendar days of the conclusion of the Contract – otherwise the order will be cancelled. The day on which the Seller’s bank account is credited is considered the day of payment.
- After the Customer has made the payment in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, the expected order processing time is approximately 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the selected delivery location. The Seller does not provide the possibility of storing the Order, therefore if the Customer wishes to receive the Order on a date other than the one previously indicated, he is obliged to inform the Seller about this. Acceptance of the Customer’s request depends on the technical capabilities of the Seller.
- If the Customer orders samples, the order processing time is up to 4 business days if the Store indicates that they are available for immediate shipment. In the case of other samples, the expected order processing time is 4 weeks.
§ 8. Rules for concluding and executing Agreements via the Order Form
- The customer has the option of submitting a request for quotation in order to obtain a quote for a specific product in the Store via e-mail.
- The Customer submits an inquiry for the purchase of specific products on the terms and conditions specified on the Website.
- Submitting a request for quotation does not constitute its acceptance by the Seller. The Seller may refuse to process the order, in particular if the content of the inquiry makes it impossible to perform a valuation.
- After receiving a complete request for quotation, the Seller prepares a sales offer indicating the validity period of the offer, no shorter than 7 days, which it sends in a return message to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. If there is no indication of the validity period of the offer, it is considered that the offer will be binding for a period of 7 days from the date of sending the e-mail to the Customer.
- The Customer may accept the offer presented by the Seller within the time specified in the offer by sending the Seller an appropriate declaration in electronic or written form to the address of the Seller’s registered office confirming the acceptance of the offer. When the Seller receives an e-mail about the acceptance of the offer, an Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Seller.
- The Customer is obliged to make the payment within 7 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement, otherwise the order will be canceled. The day of crediting the Seller’s bank account is considered to be the date of payment.
- After the Customer accepts the offer, the Seller accepts the Order for execution. Confirmation of the receipt of the Order and its acceptance for execution takes place by the Seller sending the Customer an appropriate e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail address provided during the process, which contains at least the Seller’s declarations about the receipt of the Order and its acceptance for execution as well as confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement. When the Customer receives the above e-mail, an Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Seller, however, in the case of Products with an indicated price to be agreed, the Agreement is concluded only after the parties have agreed on the price.
§ 9. Right to withdraw from the contract
- Due to the fact that all delivered Products are made according to the Customer’s individual order and according to his specifications, the Customer who is a Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from a distance contract in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act.
- The Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of failure to pay the Price within the agreed period.
§ 10. Warranty, complaint procedure and guarantee
- The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product without defects. The following front changes are allowed:
- Due to technological conditions, minor imperfections in the coating with a diameter of up to 3 mm may occur on the surface of the painted front.
- Due to the natural material used in veneered fronts, it is possible to vary them in terms of shades, grain, and the occurrence of knots on the surface of the fronts or the occurrence of nicks on the surface of the fronts up to 5 mm high.
- the permissible tolerance of the overall dimensions of fronts is +/- 1 mm.
- the permissible twist of individual elements is +/- 2mm/1m
- In the event of a defect in the purchased Product, the Customer has the right to make a complaint based on the warranty provisions in the Civil Code. If the Customer is an Entrepreneur, the parties exclude liability under the warranty.
- Complaints can be submitted to the Seller’s e-mail address.
- The Customer is obliged to include in the complaint a description of the defect, the circumstances (including the date) of its occurrence, photos of the goods that are the subject of the complaint, data of the Customer submitting the complaint, and the Customer’s request in connection with the defect of the purchased or manufactured Product. If the complaint does not include the data referred to in the preceding sentence, the Customer may be requested to complete the data necessary to consider it within 14 days of submitting the complaint.
- The Seller will respond to the complaint immediately, and if the Customer is a Consumer – no later than within 14 days. If the Customer is a Consumer and the Seller does not respond to the complaint within 14 days, it is considered that the Customer’s request is justified. The above does not apply if the Customer is requested to complete the data necessary to consider it within 14 days of submitting the complaint.
- Products returned under the complaint procedure should be sent to the address provided in § 3 of these Regulations. Products should be properly secured so that they arrive in undamaged condition, we recommend placing them on a pallet. We are not responsible for any damage to the goods occurring during transport.
- The warranty for the fronts is granted in the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period of 24 months from the date of receipt of the fronts.
- The warranty does not cover mechanical damage caused by: a). incorrect installation; b).connecting, processing; c). improper care; d). improper storage, misuse including water damage, exposure to heat; e). caused by normal wear and tear, scratches, tears or nicks, and f). caused by mechanical damage resulting from an impact, accident or caused by contamination from the water and sewage system; g). storage outdoors or in a humid environment or storage in conditions other than domestic ones; h). accidentally.
- Please send warranty claims to: studio@frontson.com. The notification should include: Name, surname, address, identification of the goods that are the subject of the notification: date of sale or order number, description of the defects that are the subject of the notification, photos of the goods that are the subject of the notification, taken in daylight from a distance of at least 1 m.
- After submitting the warranty claim and its acceptance by us, we will ask you to provide us with the defective fronts, properly secured so that they reach us in undeteriorated condition. We are not responsible for any damage to the fronts incurred during transport.
- Under the warranty, we will remove defects in the fronts free of charge, and if they cannot be removed, we will replace them with new ones. If this is not possible, we will refund the purchase price of the defective fronts.
- Damage caused during transport. After receiving the shipment, check the delivered goods immediately. You should do this in the presence of the courier/forwarder’s driver to be able to report any damage to the shipment.
- before installation, we only consider if you are a consumer or a natural person who purchased goods as part of your business, however, the sales contract concluded with us is not of a professional nature for you. Remember that preparing a report containing damage to the shipment will be useful for you to prove that any damage to the goods occurred during transport, and not after the courier/forwarder’s driver delivered the goods to you. We would like to remind you that we are not responsible for mechanical damage to goods that occurred after the goods were delivered to you by the courier/forwarder’s driver. However, in order to enable you to calmly examine the condition of the delivered goods after shipment, we assume that damage to the shipment or goods reported within 48 hours of delivery occurred during transport, unless the circumstances of the specific report or the type of damage indicate a different cause of their occurrence.
§ 11. Principles of liability
- To the extent permitted by applicable legal provisions, subject in particular to the provisions of Art. 473 § 2 of the Civil Code and the Act on Consumer Rights, the Seller’s liability for any damages related to the use of the Store is excluded, including those resulting from improper operation of the server on which the Store is located, errors in the operation of websites, lack of access to them and other failures, damages or disruptions in the operation of online services.
- The Seller is liable to the Customer who is not a Consumer only for typical damages foreseeable at the time of concluding the Agreement and is not liable for any benefits lost by him. The Contractor’s liability is limited to the amount of the Price paid and delivery costs and covers only damage caused by willful misconduct.
- Neither party is liable for non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement caused by force majeure. Force majeure should be understood as an external event of an extraordinary nature that cannot be prevented, even with due diligence, in particular an increase in the costs of running a business exceeding normal business risk caused by decisions of local or central government bodies, strikes, demonstrations, weather disasters, terrorist activities , states of emergency, changes in regulations limiting or preventing the conduct of business activities within the scope specified in the Agreement, etc. Each party should inform the other party immediately about the occurrence of force majeure, unless it would not be possible – then this obligation is updated after these circumstances no longer exist.
§ 12. Out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims
- Detailed information on the possibility for the Consumer to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, are available, among others, at the offices and on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, and Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection.
- The consumer has the opportunity to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims.
§ 13. Personal data in the Online Store
- The administrator of Customers’ personal data collected via the Online Store is the Seller.
- Customers’ personal data collected by the administrator via the Store are processed for the purposes, scope and based on the principles detailed in the privacy policy available on the Store’s website at: https://frontson.com/prywatnosc/
- The administrator provides the collected personal data: a). in the case of a Customer who uses the postal delivery method in the Online Store, to a selected carrier or intermediary carrying out shipments at the request of the Administrator, b). selected entity handling payments in the Store, and if the Customer chooses to pay by transfer via the PayNow Payment Integrator, the Administrator provides the collected personal data to PayNow mBank S.A. based in Warsaw at ul. Prosta 18, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS register number 0000025237, NIP: 526-021-50-88, REGON: 001254524, and the disclosure of the collected data concerns data personal data necessary to complete payments by PayU S.A.
- The customer has the right to access and correct their data, as well as to request their change or complete removal from the system in situations permitted by applicable legal provisions.
- Providing personal data is voluntary, although failure to provide the personal data indicated in the Regulations necessary to conclude the Agreement results in the inability to conclude this Agreement.
§ 14. Final provisions
- Contracts concluded via the Online Store are concluded in Polish.
- The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations for important reasons, i.e. changes in legal provisions, changes in payment and delivery methods – to the extent that these changes affect the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations. The Seller will inform the Customer about each change at least 7 days in advance.
- In matters not regulated in these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code; Act on the provision of electronic services; Consumer Rights Act, Personal Data Protection Act.
- The customer has the right to use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. For this purpose, he may submit a complaint via the EU ODR online platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
- The settlement of any disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer who is not a Consumer shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the Seller’s registered office.
- These Regulations are available at the Internet address https://frontson.com/regulamin/ and in writing at the Seller’s office.
Annex No. 1 – general delivery conditions
- The Store delivers purchased Goods within the European Union.
- Delivery of the Goods is made to the address indicated in the Customer’s Order via the website www.furgonetka.pl. or other forwarding company. The customer can monitor the shipment status of his order by providing the shipment number on the carrier’s website. Link to track orders: .
- Detailed delivery conditions are available on the courier company’s website. On the day of sending the Order, the Customer receives a consignment note from the Seller enabling tracking of the shipment.
- The order will be delivered to the Customer at the address indicated in the order form, within the time specified in the Regulations.
- Delivery costs within Poland are provided automatically in the ordering process via the Store’s Website or, in the case of placing an order via the Order Form, in the quote made by the Seller.
- If the Seller is unable to deliver the Goods because they are unavailable, the Seller will immediately, no later than 14 days from the conclusion of the contract, notify the Customer and refund the entire amount received, unless, after contacting the Customer, the Customer does not will make a different decision on how to process the Order.
- Delivery generally takes place on business days, during business hours for courier companies and depending on the logistics plans of these companies and on the terms specified by these companies.
- The courier service includes bringing the order to the building’s front door. The Customer is obliged to ensure that he can bring the Goods to the front door of his premises on his own and at his own expense.
- If it is impossible to complete the subject of the Order for reasons attributable to the Customer, the costs associated with re-delivery of the Order shall be borne by the Customer.
- It is the Customer’s responsibility to unpack the Order to determine whether it is damaged. In the event of damage to the Order during transport, the courier is obliged to prepare an appropriate report, which is intended to facilitate the complaint process.
- The delivery cost is influenced by the size of the Order and the method of payment for the Order chosen by the Customer.
- In each case, the Order will be issued no earlier than the entire Order price has been paid. Until the full price is paid, the subject of the Order remains the property of the Seller.